Welcome to my Blog! I will be using this to post sneak peeks from portrait sessions, announcement specials, and to help you get to know me and my photographic style.

In a few words, I am an on-location, natural light, lifestyle photographer. I strive to capture the organic moments of every stage of life. The real moments. The natural interactions. The ones that will evoke emotion, every time you reflect on them.

I am a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a friend. I am a photograher and a speech-language pathologist. I am a perfectionist yet still a big kid at heart.

I hope you enjoy your visit enough to add me to your regular blog reads. I also hope that from time to time, you give me some feedback by leaving me a comment.

~ Kimberly Svenson

Thursday, November 5, 2009

{Sitting Pretty} - Sarasota Baby Photographer

So, we are finally getting some family pictures taken. It's something that I've been wanting to do but have put it off for one reason or another. Some of the best excuses included: "we are so busy with moving(insert any possible event), let's wait until things calm down and do it", "I'm pregnant, there's no point in getting pictures now, without the new baby", "I want to wait until I lose these last 10 pounds", "Let's wait until she's holding her head up (insert other developmental milestone her), "he fell and has an big bump and bruise on his head" etc.

Recently, I've been reminded of how precious life is and to not take a moment for granted. I've realized this is who we are NOW. I want to document the now, remember us for who we are NOW. Maybe in a few months, things will be different and more "ideal", but I want the NOW (including the 10 extra pounds).

So, being the crazy shopper and obsessive person I am, yesterday, I started our wardrobe search. It's not easy to find outfits that coordinate but aren't too matchy for a 4 1/2 year old girl and 2 1/2 year old boy who are way too tall for clothes that actually fit them in their wastes and butts. Even though it's November, it's still in the upper 80's here and the kids have pretty much grown out of any picture worthy outfits they have from the spring and summer. The stores only have sweaters and heavy, fall and winter choices, which, I figure we can "suffer" through, since it is a session for Holiday cards. But, that same 2 1/2 year-old boy hates long pants and long sleeves and had one of the biggest fits in recent history the day I made him wear them. Oh, and that same 4 1/2 year-old girl has fairly strong opinions that she should really only wear pink and purple. And then there's me...I admit I have my own issues (see above-mentioned 10 pounds) of having limited items that fit the way I want. Oh, and a budget, did I mention that?

So, I decided to start of with the one that doesn't talk back (yet) or have opinions about color (yet) and frankly, if I might say so myself, looks pretty darn cute in just about anything. So, I tortured, uhh, I mean engaged Caroline to play dress-up. Of course, I couldn't just try on the outfits and form my own opinions, based on what fit etc. I decided I needed to get my camera to take pictures, so that I can ask my friends, family, and a group of fellow photographers on a message board for their opinions too. After I got the first option on, I put Caroline back on our bed to get my camera. Not thinking, I sat her on the bed. She surprised the heck out of me and stayed that way - SITTING UP!!! She is only 2 1/2 months old.

I hadn't intended on taking pictures that would be for sharing here(hence the messy room, unmade bed, Snapshot). But, how could I resist.

Here's my little Belle - sitting pretty.

Still sitting tall...

And...she's done!(I LOVE the drool)

1 comment:

Donna said...