Welcome to my Blog! I will be using this to post sneak peeks from portrait sessions, announcement specials, and to help you get to know me and my photographic style.

In a few words, I am an on-location, natural light, lifestyle photographer. I strive to capture the organic moments of every stage of life. The real moments. The natural interactions. The ones that will evoke emotion, every time you reflect on them.

I am a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a friend. I am a photograher and a speech-language pathologist. I am a perfectionist yet still a big kid at heart.

I hope you enjoy your visit enough to add me to your regular blog reads. I also hope that from time to time, you give me some feedback by leaving me a comment.

~ Kimberly Svenson

Monday, August 3, 2009

The First

This is my first official post to the new blog. I will start off with some personal information. In just 12 days at the most, I will have baby #3 in my arms. We do not know the sex yet. Madelyn, my four-year old daughter, thinks she will have a new baby sister. Thomas, my two-year old son, is betting he will have a new baby brother. I have been in the nesting stage for a good week now, so I think we might actually be ready. Of course, I can make lists and lists of things that need to be done before the new little one's arrival, but of course, those are all just lists and the baby will come whether I've checked them off or not. So, in the mean time, we are enjoying the last days as a family of four, getting in extra snuggle and cuddle time when possible and doing some of the things that will be challenging with a newborn.

So, to get some comments going, I pose a challenge to all of you. Post your guess on the new baby's sex, size, and date of arrival.


Bjorn said...

I would like to make my official prediction. I am going with a Boy, 8lbs 0 ounces, born August 14 at 3pm. I can predict the name too, but then that would be cheating.

Donna said...

I previously predicted a boy on 8/4 but was incorrect. My second guess is a boy on 8/13 weighing in at 7lb. 15 oz. Like any good "Mammy" would say...no matter what day, what size, what kind - it will be exactly what we wanted and perfect in everyway.

becky said...

Love your new blog.

I predict boy, 7 lbs 14 oz, 8/17

becky said...

I missed the part that said in 12 days or less. I change my date to 8/12