Welcome to my Blog! I will be using this to post sneak peeks from portrait sessions, announcement specials, and to help you get to know me and my photographic style.

In a few words, I am an on-location, natural light, lifestyle photographer. I strive to capture the organic moments of every stage of life. The real moments. The natural interactions. The ones that will evoke emotion, every time you reflect on them.

I am a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a friend. I am a photograher and a speech-language pathologist. I am a perfectionist yet still a big kid at heart.

I hope you enjoy your visit enough to add me to your regular blog reads. I also hope that from time to time, you give me some feedback by leaving me a comment.

~ Kimberly Svenson

Monday, January 11, 2010

Mine on Mondays - Sarasota Baby Photographer

I have BIG plans in store this year for Fanciful Photography and have been busy working on all of it. I can't wait until it's up and running. In the mean time, this is just one of traditions I hope to keep up with on the blog. I am going reserve Mondays to share pictures and stories about me and my family (hence - "Mine of Monday"). I can't take credit for the idea, there are several photographer friends that have been doing this as well. But, this will encourage me to not only take more pictures of my own family, but also to actually process some of them. It will also be a way for my clients to get to know me a little better.

So, here it is, my very first Mine on Monday. This mini-session didn't go as planned. Somehow, when its with your own kids, they never do. My plan was actually to do Thomas's 3-year pictures, but he wasn't having anything to do with it. I chose not to pick that battle today. So, Caroline was my only other candidate at home, and, since she can't talk back yet, she got the duty today. Sadly though, her reflux has been extraordinarily bad these past couple weeks. Having her flat on her back really doesn't help. Add to that a tired baby, and well, the session lasted about 2 1/2 minutes this morning and 45 seconds this afternoon. Then she turned into a puke factory and we were done!

1 comment:

Donna said...