Welcome to my Blog! I will be using this to post sneak peeks from portrait sessions, announcement specials, and to help you get to know me and my photographic style.

In a few words, I am an on-location, natural light, lifestyle photographer. I strive to capture the organic moments of every stage of life. The real moments. The natural interactions. The ones that will evoke emotion, every time you reflect on them.

I am a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a friend. I am a photograher and a speech-language pathologist. I am a perfectionist yet still a big kid at heart.

I hope you enjoy your visit enough to add me to your regular blog reads. I also hope that from time to time, you give me some feedback by leaving me a comment.

~ Kimberly Svenson

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

First - Sarasota Child Photographer

Our family has certainly had it's share of firsts this week. Madelyn, decided she was finally ready for her FIRST haircut! You read that right - first hair-cut at five! She decided, after watching me get my hair cut several weeks ago, that she was finally ready. She has been watching her brother get his hair cut here for 2 1/2 years. She had planned out the scenario in her head many, many times. We've even had specific milestone where she said she would be ready to get it cut. Not until she was five; after her dance recital because she needed a bun; after Preschool was over. The dates kept coming and going. But, the list of requirements never seemed to change - Sitting in the purple jeep, getting to watch a DVD, and picking out a Lolly Pop were VERY, VERY critical elements in Madelyn's first haircut experience.

So, when, I asked her when she wanted to get her hair cut this week-end, I was shocked to hear "on Monday". I made her appointment and off we went to Lil Divas and Dudes Salon. We had talked about her donating her hair to Locks of Love in the past. I showed her their website and she watched me get mine cut for the cause. I left it up to her to decide. She told me she was ready to help kids who didn't have hair. I honestly couldn't hide my tears of pride. My sweet little Madelyn got a good 12" of her blond curls cut today. She suddenly looks so much older and she is as proud as can be.





Jennifer said...

So proud of that beautiful girl!!!

Donna said...

She is quite a child. Beautiful!!!!! I am so proud of her.

Kim Schmidt said...

She does look like a big girl now! What a huge difference. And I love that she waited for the perfect time and donated her hair!

Jaidean said...

Oh, it looks sooo cute!!!