Welcome to my Blog! I will be using this to post sneak peeks from portrait sessions, announcement specials, and to help you get to know me and my photographic style.

In a few words, I am an on-location, natural light, lifestyle photographer. I strive to capture the organic moments of every stage of life. The real moments. The natural interactions. The ones that will evoke emotion, every time you reflect on them.

I am a wife, a mother, a daughter, a sister, a friend. I am a photograher and a speech-language pathologist. I am a perfectionist yet still a big kid at heart.

I hope you enjoy your visit enough to add me to your regular blog reads. I also hope that from time to time, you give me some feedback by leaving me a comment.

~ Kimberly Svenson

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

No signs of fall here...~Sarasota Newborn Photographer~

As Labor Day came and went and Football season is officially underway, I expected (OK, HOPED for) some signs, any sign really, that fall weather was on its way. But, here in Southwest Florida, the sauna baking continues.

Here is one quick picture, evidence, that even little Caroline is still sweating it out in Sarasota. Notice, she's been "blessed" with the frizzy action on the sides of her head. She can thank me later for that genetic gift and commiserate with Madelyn about it when they are teenagers.


Renee Fuller said...

What a fantastic photo, well you have a BEAUTIFUL model. Who looks like she's pretty easy to work with! lol

Unknown said...

great work! love!